As of September 2021, Zefir has 30 employees and is still actively looking for new talent to expand the team (opening of 150 positions in 2022). It is with pride and in this continuity that we announce today our arrival on the Ile-de-France market with a clear objective: to reach 1% of the French real estate market by the end of 2023.

The origins of Zefir

Zefir was born from a personal experience: it took my father a year to sell my grandmother’s house, located in the south of France, following her death. I then noticed that we invested a lot of time and money in our real estate sale for a service that was always opaque. You can have a taxi delivered or ordered in one click knowing precisely the cost and travel time. It’s not normal to have no guarantees and no control over sales times in real estate.

That’s why with Louis, my childhood friend, we decided to launch the concept of instant real estate sales. Zefir buying the property directly, the transaction is carried out in 3 steps over a period of only 7 days:

  1. Estimate of the property on with receipt of an indicative offer within 24 hours,
  2. Valuation of the property made by an expert and firm purchase offer based on the market price,
  3. Signing of the sales agreement without any financing conditions.

After Lille, instant real estate sales arrive in Paris and its region

In just over a year of presence in the Lille metropolitan area, nearly 6,000 customers have approached us to obtain a purchase offer, allowing Zefir to reach an annualized sales volume of 200 million euros .

Zefir is also supported by renowned investors: Xavier Niel (Founder of Free), Fred Destin (Investor at Deliveroo) or Shana Fisher (Board Partner at Andreessen Horowitz) to name but a few. Thus, last November, ie 4 months after our launch, they entrusted us with 4 million euros, a record for a first round of financing in French real estate.

In September 2021, Zefir has 30 employees and is still actively looking for new talent (opening of 150 positions in 2022). It is with pride and in this continuity that we announce today our arrival on the Ile-de-France market with a clear objective: to reach 1% of the French real estate market by the end of 2023.

Secretly present since the beginning of September in Paris and its inner suburbs (92, 93, 94), our instant sale concept spoke to you, as evidenced by the more than 2,000 requests for offers in Île-de-Franc received on www.zefir. fr and the 15 million euros of goods purchased ,even before our official launch in the region .

If we are delighted with the welcome that customers in the Ile-de-France reserve for us, we are not surprised. We come to satisfy a need for freedom in real estate property accentuated by the COVID crisis. Owning your property should be a comfort, an advantage and not a hindrance when a change of life is announced. This is exactly the vision we have for Zefir: to breathe new life into millions of European owners.

Source – Zefir

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