Founded: 2013

Series D Valuation: $1bn

Founded by Osnat Michaeli, Erez Galonska and Guy Galonska in Berlin, Infarm is the world’s fastest growing urban farming network. With operations across 30 cities worldwide, Infarm harvests 500,000+ plants each month using zero chemical pesticides and 99.5% less space, 95% less water and 90% less transport than soil-based agriculture. Having already partnered with 30 leading retailers including Marks & Spencer, Selfridges, Whole Foods and Intermarché, Infarm’s vision is to place cloud-controlled modular farms in customer-facing city locations, enabling customers to pick produce themselves. Early investors include Qatar Investment Authority, Partners in Equity, Hanaco, Atomico, Lightrock, Balderton Capital, Astanor Ventures, Cherry Ventures and TriplePoint Capital.


