Chance, the digital coaching path to choose a job that makes you happy, represents, in the eyes of public and private investors, a strong response in times of crisis.

The global health crisis has already revealed questions about what makes sense: the daily applause to caregivers, cashiers marks a historic turning point and values the meaning, value of missions and courage of key players in society. At the same time, concern is invading individuals and the global economy: we must ensure a future that will work for everyone and for society as a whole. The many people who were already wondering about their work see these reflections growing more with the crisis and confinement. And many others will have to radically change their path to prepare and secure their future, their current profession may be severely precarious.

Françoise Gri, former CEO of Manpower France and IBM France, investor of Chance and now a member of her board:

“In such circumstances, Chance is an effective way to structure your reflection, and look to the future with pragmatism, taking into account your personal aspirations, skills and imperatives.”

Ludovic de Gromard, CEO and co-founder of Chance:

“Chance was born precisely to answer the question of meaning at work. The meaning does not occur ex-nihilo by injunctions on “what has it” or not, but must be connected to individuals, to their own mode of operation, to their deep engines.”

Autocoaching and “PsyTech”: The two pillars of the Chance Revolution

After 5 years of R&D, Chance launches “PsyTech”, a technological revolution applied to psychology, coaching and career guidance.

With “PsyTech”, each stage of the Chance course adapts to each individuality thanks to real-time analysis of data and behavior. The “PsyTech” draws a unique path for everyone, leading them to make a series of informed decisions to build the professional choice that best suits them.

Through self-coaching, the user is led to think deeply about his own functioning: personality, way of making choices, life priorities, what makes sense, what does not. Then he is recommended several professional paths corresponding to his aspirations. This is followed by a methodical exploration phase aimed at identifying a final choice. Finally, Chance accompanies the user until he reaches his new professional goal.

Video-coaching sessions complete each stage of the course: a professional coach, chosen to measure, intervenes for individual sessions, to work in particular on the psychological blockages that may exist in this in-depth reflection.

Chance’s firm promise: that everyone, regardless of their past, will be able to choose the work that will make them happy.

The story of Chance

Chance was born in the middle of Silicon Valley in San Francisco, after meeting its co-founders, Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, Ludovic de Gromard and Clémence Coghlan. 18 months ago, Chance moved its headquarters in France to Station F, in the Facebook incubator, to focus on the French market. The Chance team is made up of 25 people of 7 different nationalities, with a community of 100 partner coaches. As of this press release, Chance has more than 5,000 users, 70% of whom are women.

€5.6 million: The joint investment of public and private actors in “wartime”

A unique entourage: from a London impact fund to Alain Cojean via the Ministry of Labour and

Chance is accelerating its growth in France with a new fundraising led by the London impact fund Zulu Group of Alexander Asseily (founder of Jawbone). Several French and international leaders such as Jean-Bernard Lévy (CEO of EDF), Françoise Gri (ex-CEO Manpower and IBM France), Alain Cojean (founder of Cojean), the Poutrel family (founders of Ingenico) or Frederic Kerrest (co-founder of OKTA) are strengthening the already strong entourage of the French social start-up. These contributions complement the renewal of Chance’s historic partnership with, for a new donation of €500k, an additional €1 million grant from the Ministry of Labour (as part of the Skills Investment Plan) and a new BPIFrance debt of €600k.

A leading scientific committee

With Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus as Honorary President, Chance brought together in its scientific committee great names such as Robert Dilts, a world reference in coaching or former Minister of National Education and former ILO President at the UN, Gilles de Robien.

Institutional recognition with eligibility for the CPF

Recently referenced Datadock and fundable by the Personal Training Account (CPF), Chance obtains, after 5 years of Research & Development, institutional, economic and scientific recognition.

Ludovic de Gromard, CEO of Chance: “This lifting, multiple recognitions and partners of excellence strengthen us in our ambition: that thanks to Chance, everyone can fully choose and get the work that will make them happy.”

Source – Chance

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