Congratulations to Marc Laurent, Romain Champourlier, Martin Daniel and the Carbonfact team for their incredible achievements over the past 2+ years.

This is definitely one of our proudest technical co-founder hiring stories!** It is no surprise to see likeminded and highly purpose-driven founders turn ideas into leading category leaders!

… and to anyone working in the textile/fashion industry who reads this – make sure to get in touch with Carbonfact to better measure your carbon impact and build plans to reduce your emissions.

We extend our congratulations to existing investors Alven (Bartosz Jakubowski), Y Combinator (Gustaf Alströmer) and as well as the latest entrant, Headline (Jonathan Userovici).

Read more on TechCrunch.

**This technical co-founder hire was delivered back in 2021 by our Managing Partner, Thomas Chorliet.

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