
Individually our activities will address selected organisational opportunities, but combined as an integrated approach can unlock exponential value.

Organisational design

Defining, designing and building the architecture for successful companies from the earliest phases.

Talent Development

Enhancing, refining and extending the impact of leaders, teams and functions in line with growth and increased complexity.

Andrew and Faraday Partners have been instrumental in helping me build Oyster from the very start. The ability to build an organisational plan, handpick expert talent for clearly defined needs and then develop the organisation alongside me has made Oyster a more effective proposition and only increased our impact and our valuation. Our investors at Series C, where we achieved a billion plus valuation in record time, wrote their investor pack titled, ‘A Series C business with a Series F team’ - none of that could have been possible without Faraday on board and we are set to deliver on our promise whilst I have been able to focus on the role I wanted to play in creating our business and market.