Talent Infrastructure

Building organisations needs to be supported by the appropriate infrastructure to continuously extend the contribution of talent.

Implementing the appropriate policies, tools and methods to support the employee lifecycle through early scaling phases is critical.

Standardisation and automation opportunities, leveraging data and analytics and self-service propositions underpin modern talent infrastructure.

WHAT IS Talent Infrastructure?

The systems, processes and methods upon which any capability are built are critical to scaling at pace, none more so than talent. There is no one set approach to talent infrastructure, however, selecting and implementing the appropriate tooling, strategy and data sources is fundamental to rapid growth and a defined talent experience.

Process Flow

Simple foundations

Clear compliance

Basis for development

Automation Tooling

Talent acquisition

Employee engagement

Workforce operations

Messaging Medium

Group communication

Team dialogue

Feedback capture


Building organisations is rarely fortuitous. Hard choices on growth plans, talent decisions and the engagement of multiple stakeholders in a complex process flow all need to be sequenced in a scalable infrastructure to move at pace.

Expectation Clarity

Hiring planning

Organisational priority

Decision matrix

Technology Selection

Data management

Process governance


Team Build

Talent hunting

Foundational HR

Operational structure

Performance Optimisation

Talent ROI

People analytics

HR organisation build

IMPACT of talent infrastructure?

With an effective talent infrastructure, the capability to grow is formed. The continued investment in building talent capabilities will sustain competitive advantage, enhance effectiveness across many metrics, produce a defined culture and enable the talent bar to be continually raised as organisations approach more complex opportunities.

Stay Ahead

Growth proactivity

Talent choice

Fulfil opportunities

Talent Experience

Talent differentiators

Reputation control

Data backbone

Expert Talent

Fit to scale

Leader impact

Inbound optimisation